Table set with Easter-themed foods

How Do I Transport Food to Easter Dinner Without Spilling?

Tips for Transporting Food in a Vehicle

Easter is coming up, and we are looking forward to getting together with our loved ones for a delicious meal. When there is a large crowd, cooking a full meal can be overwhelming for whoever is hosting. Oftentimes, we are asked to contribute to the meal to make things easier for our hostess, and there are many delicious recipes that are crowd-pleasers. The only problem that we experience is trying to transport our dish without a disaster occurring. Luckily, we have some tips to help you out.

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How to Transport an Easter Ham in Your Vehicle

A ham ready to be eaten on EasterA large entrée like an Easter ham can be tricky to transport, and we usually recommend that the host be in charge of cooking it. However, maybe their oven decided to conk out the day before, or maybe they have the largest dining room table but can’t be trusted in the kitchen. Either way, if you are in charge of bringing the ham, we recommend:

  1. Cook it as you prefer.
  2. Once it’s finished, leave it in the roasting pan and wrap everything with aluminum foil.
  3. Wrap everything in old towels to help keep it hot.
  4. Place it in a laundry basket and stuff the extra space with towels to help prevent shifting during the commute.

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How to Transport a Hot Side Dish

Were you asked to bring some scalloped potatoes or a corn casserole? Bake it as you normally would, and once it is out of the oven, place it in an insulated casserole carrier for easy transportation (wrapping the dish in towels also works).

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How to Transport a Cold Side Dish

Coleslaw, Snickers salad, and daffodil delight are some of our favorite Easter dinner dishes – and they are easy to transport! Just carry it in your favorite covered Tupperware bowl and then wrap it in some towels to help keep it cool. For a longer drive, stick the bowl in a cooler of ice.

From all of us here at Auction Direct USA, Happy Easter!